Wednesday, November 18, 2009

DOOM: Don Ivan Punchatz (In Memoriam)

To anyone that has grown playing videogames, there is an image that is universally recognized and has been fire branded in our brains because of its visual impact and narrative effectiveness.

Don Ivan Punchatz not only did a superb piece that depicted the desperate struggle that the player faced against the hordes of Hell itself, it created a logo that combined both the arcane and technological overtones that permeated the game's enviroment and storyline; The heavy font, the jagged contrasts of the shapes within the letters and the overall strength of the whole piece has made of this one of the most memorable game covers ever and a image that is indelible part of the video game legacy. He in great part helped cement the legacy of one of the watershed moments in gaming.

Oh and that demon on the lower left corner of the image, it almost says: "Yes, you are next." Don Ivan Punchatz (September 8, 1936 - October 22, 2009)

Gamers of all generations thank you and remember you.

1 comment:

  1. Descanse en paz señor Iván Punchatz. No recuerdo esta portada y reconozco que este juego cautivó a mucha gente, lamentablemente yo no estaba entre ellos, pero el modo de juego fue lo que lo ha hecho todo un clásico no?
    Bueno David, un saludo y gracias por la actitud mostrada en clase a lo largo del curso.
